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  • 创建时间: 2016-02-03


20151210-11日,“丝绸之路上的科学与文化国际学术研讨会在北京召开。会议由联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)、国际哲学与人文科学理事会(CIPSH)、国际科技史与科技哲学联盟科学技术史分会(IUHPST/DHST)、世界人文大会(WCH)联合主办,中国科学院大学人文学院、中国科学技术史学会、中国社会科学院民族文学研究所承办。会议有两重目标:沟通科学与人文;沟通丝绸之路上国家和地区、乃至世界各国之间学者的交流,培育不同文化之间的相互理解。来自10多个国家的60多位学者参加了会议。会议主题包括:1)天文丝绸之路:欧亚天文学交流;2)文学、艺术、农业和地理; 3)科学与宗教; 4)认知之道:古文明中的科学推理; 5)考古学与人类学。具体内容见会议手册 



Science and Civilization on the Silk Roads

The Silk Roads symbolize communication between civilizations and interaction of ideas and cultures across the world. The legacy of the Silk Roads is particularly relevant in our age of globalization, when people of many different cultures, regions and languages are in close contact more than ever before. While science and technology play a dominant role in our modern society, the humanities provide understanding of cultural diversities of our world that will help promote communication and collaboration across cultures. It is necessary to break off the rigid boundaries that often keep our disciplines apart from each other, and to open them to the plurality of world cultures.

The International Conference on Science and Civilization on the Silk Roads (ICSCSR) was hold in Beijing on 10-11 December 2015. The Conference was sponsored by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST), and World Humanities Conference (WHC); and was hosted bySchool of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SH-UCAS), Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology (CSHST), and Institute of Ethnic Literature (IEL), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). The Conference has its twofold goals: to bring science and humanities together; and to bring people together in order to foster a mutual understanding of the diverse and often inter-related cultures. More than 60 distinguished scholars from around the world, including countries along the Silk Roads, participated in the Conference. The themes of the conference include: 1) The Astronomical “Silk Road”: Astronomy across Eurasia; 2) Literature, Art, Agriculture and Cartography; 3) Science and Religion; 4) Ways of Knowing: Scientific Reasoning in Ancient Civilizations; 5)Archaeology and Anthropology. For details, see Conference Program.



United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH)

Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology/ Division of History
of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST)

World Humanities
Conference (WHC)


Chinese Society
for the History of Science and Technology (CSHST)

Institute of
Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IEL CASS)

School of
Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):

BENVENUTI, Piero (Italy); CHAO, Gejin (China)(Chair); CORMACK, Lesley (Canada); FUNG, Kam-Wing (Hong Kong, China); HALLEUX, Robert (Belgium); JAMI, Catherine (France); KALLINEN, Maija (Finland); LEE, Eun Hee (Korea); LIU, Dun (China); MICKAELIAN, Areg M. (Armenia); NICOLAIDIS, Efthymios (Greece)OOSTERBEEK, Luiz (Portugal); OSBORNE, Michael (USA); RAMASUBRAMANIAN, Krishnamurthi (India); SAMASSEKOU, Adama (Mali); SHI, Yunli (China); SUN, Xiaochun (China); TOGAN, Isenbike (Turkey); WANG, Siming (China); ZHANG, Daqing (China).

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

CHAO, Gejin (朝戈金);LU,Dalong (鲁大龙); SUN, Xiaochun (孙小淳) (Chair); XIE, Yong (谢勇);WANG,Guangchao (王广超);WANG, Na (王娜);ZHANG,Daqing (张大庆);ZHAO, Gang (赵刚);ZHU,Jin (朱进).


LI, Weixia (李伟霞); LIU, Weimo (刘未沫)(Secretary);YAO,Hui (姚慧);XIAO, Yao (肖尧);XUN,Furu (荀福如)



December 10,   Thursday

International   Conference on

Science and   Civilization on the Silk Roads

(嘉宾楼第一会议室,No.1 Meeting Room, Building 8

Opening Ceremony


Chair: CHAO Gejin

09:00-09:10 Speech 1: Official from UNESCO
09:10-09:20 Speech 2: Officials from CASS, CAS and CAST
09:20-09:30 Speech 3: Welcome remarks by SUN Xiaochun,   Chair of LOC
09:30-09:45 Group Picture   & Coffee Break

Session 1: The   Astronomical “Silk Road”: Astronomy across Eurasia




SHI, Yunli (China)

The   Dissemination and Influence of Arabic Astronomy in the China from 13th to   17th Centuries.


NICOLAIDIS, Efthymios (Greece)

The Trebizond-Tabriz Caravan and the Influence   of the School of Maragha on Byzantine Astronomy.


MICKAELIAN, Areg M. (Armenia)

History of Astronomy in Armenia and   its Traces in the Cultural Heritage.


LEE, Eun Hee (Korea)

Transmission and Adaptation of the   Chinese-Islamic Calendar System in the 15th Century Korea.


SUN, Xiaochun and YANG, Fan (China)

Equatorial or Ecliptic? A Comparative   Study of the Guo Shoujing Catalogue and the Ulugh Beg Catalogue.

12:15-13:30 Lunch   Break (友谊宫餐厅 Friendship   Palace Restaurant)

Session 2: Literature,   Medicine, Agriculture and Cartography


Chair: JAMI, Catherine


JUMAATURDU, Adil (China)

Multi-ethnic Literature on the Silk   Roads -- From the Perspective of Cross-border Ethnic Literature in Xinjiang   and Central Asia.


WANG, Siming (China)                                                                           

The Silk Roads and Agricultural   Exchanges Between China and Abroad.


SU, Jingjing, & ZHANG, Daqing (China)

The History of China’s Medical and   Health Aid.


BRADLEY, David   (Australia)

Linguistic   History of Animals and Crops from the Ancient Silk Road.


CABOARA, Marco (Italy)

Cartography of Eastern Central Asia from the   16th to the 18th Century.

16:00-16:15 Coffee Break

Session 3: Science   and Religion


Chair: SHI, Yunli


MORAN, Dermot (UK)

The Discovery of the   Infinite in Western Thought in the Middle Ages.


KALDIS, Byron (Greece)  

Scientific   Reasoning, the Supernatural and Religion in Ancient Greek Civilization.


FARMANYAN, Sona, V. (Armenia)

Earth and Sun in Ancient Armenia and its Impact   on the World Cultures.

17:45-20:00 Buffet   Dinner (友谊宫餐厅Friendship Palace Restaurant)

December 11,   Friday

International   Conference on

Science and   Civilization on the Silk Roads

(嘉宾楼第一会议室,No.1 Meeting Room, Building 8

Session 4: Ways   of knowing and Circulation of Knowledge


Chair:   NICOLAIDIS, Efthymios



UNESCO’s Experience in Understanding and Promoting   Intercultural Exchanges Along the Silk Roads.


JAMI, Catherine (France)   

Knowledge   Circulation across East Asia in the Early Modern Period: Continental and   Maritime Routes.


RAMASUBRAMANIAN,   Krishnamurthi & MELNAD, Keshav (India)

Exchange of Astronomical and Mathematical   Ideas between India and China.


CAREY, Christopher (UK)

Ethics   and Fabrics.


LIU, Weimo (China)

Aristotle’s   Doctrine of Comets in the Meteorology and   its Reception and Transformation in Ming   China.


FUNG, Kam-Wing   (China)

Nestorianism and the Transmission of Hellenistic-Roman Astrolabe in Late Mediaeval China.


Book   Launch

Shanhaijing   World Geography and Ancient Chinese Civilization.

12:00-14:00 Lunch   Break (友谊宫餐厅 Friendship Palace Restaurant)

Session 5:   Archaeology and Anthropology


Chair:   OSBORNE, Michael A


OOSTERBEEK, Luiz (Portugal)

The   Silk Road at the Dawn of Portuguese Scientific Archaeology


ZHANG, Jijiao (China)

Cultural Preservation and Urban Development on   the Silk Roads: Case Studies of Anthropology


HOU, Yamei (China)

Before the “Silk Road”: A Hypothesis of the “Lithic   Road” in Paleolithic Archaeology.


TOGAN, Isenbike (Turkey)

An Anthropological Approach Form the Two Ends of   the Silk Road: Du You and Rashid al-Din.

16:00-16:15 Coffee Break

Section 6: Discussions


Chair: Sun   Xiaochun


The   World Humanities Conference

International   Society for Science and Civilization on the Silk Roads, a proposal

18:00-20:00 Buffet Dinner(友谊宫餐厅 Friendship Palace Restaurant)