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明德讲堂M437报道:How Many Times Can you Be Wrong and Still be Right?—— T.H. Morgan, Chromosomes, Heredity and Evolution

  • 创建时间: 2017-10-15
  • 1226

2017929日晚,明德讲堂社会系列第437期在国科大雁栖湖校区举行,来自华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)的Garland Allen教授受邀了题为《How Many Times Can you Be Wrong and Still be Right?——T.H. Morgan, Chromosomes, Heredity and Evolution》的精彩报告。






讲座尾声,同学们积极提问,Garland Allen教授对同学们的问题一一进行了解答。最后,讲座在同学们热烈的掌声中圆满结束。

Garland Allen简介:


University of Louisville (Major: Biology, English) B.A. 1957 (only 19 years old)

Harvard University (English) M.A.T. 1958

Harvard University (History of Science)M.A. 1963哈佛大学科学史系硕士

Harvard University (History of Science) 哈佛大学科学史系 Ph.D. 1966哈佛大学科学史系博士

Teaching Positions(教学职位)

Harvard University: Instructor, Department of History of Science, 1966-1967; 哈佛大学科学史系教师

Allston-Burr Senior Tutor, 1964-1967;

Visiting Professor of History of Science, 1989-1991;

Washington University: Assistant Professor, 1967-1972; Associate Professor 1972-1980; Professor, 1980-present.



Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (2011)美国科学促进协会会员

Trustee and Chairman of the history committee at the Marine Biological Laboratory海洋生物实验室历史委员会理事兼主席

President of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology

George Sarton Lecture AAAS


Thomas Hunt Morgan: The Man and his Science (1978)

Allen is an international leader on the history of eugenics

Life Sciences in the 20th Century (1975)

Biology: Scientific Process and Social Issues (2002)